The International Society of Female Professionals Recognizes Kerri Kedziora
Kerri Anne Kedziora is Owner and Founder of Kedziora Systems. An employee attraction and retention specialist, Kerri assists business owners to overcome obstacles to success with staffing.
In addition, she is an online coach who assists cleaning business owners to grow their business substantially in the first two years of business. She has a successful commercial and vacation rental cleaning business.
Upon overcoming a life filled with childhood trauma and a 27 year battle with alcoholism to now be sober for almost 7 years; Kerri has found her true passion in life, which is inspiring others to overcome their barriers to find their own personal, financial, and professional success!
Kerri found her freedom from childhood trauma and managed to overcome alcoholism by choosing a better life.
With a combined family she and her husband Peter have five children and 11 grandchildren (and counting), she is on a mission to provide basic happiness for her family by empowering them to achieve their dreams. Kerri has one dream that rules her life. It is to be able to ensure the emotional, physical and financial freedom of her children that will sustain them for generations to come.
By “unleashing the wound” she feels she is breaking the cycle of abuse and addiction for generations to come.
Kerri says, “If I could give my past self some advice it would be to not be so hard on myself. I would explain that there is rarely success without failure and that the lessons learned in failure are the most long lasting and character building lessons you will ever learn!
Upon contemplation, I feel that my greatest influences in business are my employees. When I finally learned that my employees are the most integral part of my business, beside my own ambitions and goals, and began to put their needs first, my business exploded! I am a person that will fight harder for others than I will for myself, therefore, fighting for my employees’ growth and development has driven my personal and business growth beyond measure!”
While her cleaning business continues to grow, she is empowering other cleaning business owners online to learn and grow in order to follow their dreams. She feels truly blessed to have the financial freedom to develop and create this dream at her own pace. Her goal is to have this program “off the ground” by the end of 2022 and continue on to inspire success for more business owners.
Currently Kerri is working on the foundation of her new business venture in which she’ll advise business owners from all service areas on methods to empower and sustain the very best employees.
Five years from now Kerri envisions both businesses to be self-sufficient so that she and her husband can explore the world. Having been recently diagnosed with a hereditary disease that may take her eyesight early in life; she wants to travel far and wide and experience all of its beauty while she still has all of her senses.
Kerris’ absolute favorite thing about her career is the freedom she now has to try other things without the fear of not being able to pay the bills! Having excitement for new opportunities and ideas keeps her motivated to get up and go to her home office every morning.
Realizing that she is well on her way to seeing her dreams come true for her children and grandchildren. Kerri can honestly say that she wakes up every day knowing that if this is as good as it gets, she will never be unhappy!
Kerri was nominated for the RBC Women of Influence Award, 2022, in which the winner will be announced late in the fall, she is also part of the 2nd Edition book called pursuit365 launching June 1, 2022.
ln celebration of “International Say Something Nice Day”, pursuit: 365 is a book co-authored by 365 people from all walks of life including Dragons Den Manjit Minhas, Moi (Kerri) and many more. Every day in 2022 the book features one of the 365 co-authors and their inspiring story.
See more about Kerri here: