Member Of The Year

  • Title : Professional Accountant

    Company Name: Self

    Industry : Accounting

    Location : Victoria,Canada

    Specialty : Financial Analysis; Accounting; Corporate Direction; Financial Advisement;

    Biography :

    Ida Chong, FCPA is a Professional Accountant. She has been in her current role for 3 years and has 20 years of overall experience. Her responsibilities include providing financial advice and analysis.

    Ida was previously an elected official on the municipal level and four consecutive terms at the provincial level, cabinet Minister across ten different portfolios, and also served on the Treasury Board for twelve years as well as the non-profit board

    Ida’s goal is to continue providing accounting services on a part time and consulting level. Before entering government service she had a long and distinguished accounting career.

    Ida attributes her success to hard work, learning, adaptability, and listening. Her goal is to become board member of different organizations. When not working she enjoys reading and online research.

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